Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The "Anything I Want" :b

I was told to wright about what ever I wanted to, now thats fine with me excpt for one thing. I have no idea what I'm suppose to wright. So this is what im going to do, I'm going to try and find aproxamitly tow hundred and fifty or so words to cleaverly put into this blog. I would have to say I have about sixty so far, so we are getting somewhere. I am starting to wonder about how many other students are wrighting about not knowing what to wright about, or what people are wrighting about anyways. Maybe some are wrighting about their weekend, or maybe some are wrighting thrie friends or family. Though I don't think anyone is wrighting about them selfs because we've done that already. But what I would really like to know is how someone can think of something, on the sopt, to talk up a surten amount fo words or how ever many pages. Do people prepare for "anything-you-want" essays? Beacuse I'm going to be compleatly honest, I can't think of a single thing.

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