Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The "Anything I Want" :b

I was told to wright about what ever I wanted to, now thats fine with me excpt for one thing. I have no idea what I'm suppose to wright. So this is what im going to do, I'm going to try and find aproxamitly tow hundred and fifty or so words to cleaverly put into this blog. I would have to say I have about sixty so far, so we are getting somewhere. I am starting to wonder about how many other students are wrighting about not knowing what to wright about, or what people are wrighting about anyways. Maybe some are wrighting about their weekend, or maybe some are wrighting thrie friends or family. Though I don't think anyone is wrighting about them selfs because we've done that already. But what I would really like to know is how someone can think of something, on the sopt, to talk up a surten amount fo words or how ever many pages. Do people prepare for "anything-you-want" essays? Beacuse I'm going to be compleatly honest, I can't think of a single thing.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Me, Me and More Me :)

I am Joelle Berlyn Lehman, and luckily today you will are going to hear all about myself and every thing that has happen in my life. There have only been a few "major" events that have happened in my life. But, before we get too much into all that I'm just going to give you a couple of facts about me. I am the whopping age of eighteen years young, female, currently in grade twelve and I do believe that the color green has been my most favorite color since I was about six or seven years old. Now, my life started on October 27th in the Prince George Regional Hospital at 2:58am where I was greeted into the world by my mom; Loni, my dad; Chris and as well as my older sister; Kristin, but I'm going to be honest I don't remember the first couple years of my life, but who does. Though, I do remember that around age four my parents had split-up. Mom, Kristin and I moved into a trailer after that. Lived there for nearly nine years, but I'll get to that a little later. As the years passed in that little trailer we got to see my dad every other weekend, until I was about nine. Dad moved out of town with his girlfriend at the time and her three kids. After that my sister and I rotated spring brake and Christmas between being with mom in Prince George and being with dad in Penticton. Kristin decided to move in with dad when she was thirteen, I was twelve. I’m just going to say now, the year sucked. I had never been with out my sister for so long before. We were all we had when mom was working graveyard shifts and after mom did that she work down at a gas station from two till ten, so when my sister left, it was just me and the dog home after school. As anyone could imagine, it was a very lonely year of me doing nothing (and I mean nothing). I moved in with dad as well after that school year was over. He and my now step mom (not the one he moved there with but, any who) made me re-do grade eight. Not that is was a necessarily bad thing. I just got an extra year of school out of the deal. So I made new friends in Penticton, and I love living here. One of the best parts about moving was that two years after my sister and I left Prince George, mom followed us. Not to Penticton mind you, but she moved down to Kelowna, now she is only one hour away appose to eight or nine hours. Five years later, wow five years, here I am. Joelle Berlyn Lehman and I don’t plan to go anywhere else. xD

Friday, April 19, 2013

What would you do if you were the main character in the story?...

If I were Miles, I would like to start off with changing quite a few things that he had done once he arrived at brooding school. The fact that he had never even thought about lighting a cigarette but just because he wanted to fit in he thought it would be cool to start just because his roommate does is just silly. Then he aloud his roommate to bestow him with the name “Pudge”, and why? “Because [he’s] skinny”. I don’t understand how ironic names are the way to go, but oh well. But I got to say the thing that really grinds my gears is the fact that those boys who took him “swimming” really could have killed him. And what did he do? NOTHING! He sat there and let his roommate take matters into his own hands instead of telling someone how could have done something about it, just because they wouldn’t want to be labeled as a rat. Well I’ll tell you  what, if someone tried to end my life, even if it was some sort of sick joke, I wouldn’t just sit there wile those boys walked around the school thinking there top kahunas and nearly getting away with attempted murder, just because Miles’ roommate was being accused of getting two kids kicked out of school. I would have said something to someone just so ridiculous traditions like that wouldn’t get blown out of proportion as they had ever again. And going back to one thing, smoking, also to impress some girl, really? If you want someone to like you, be you, not someone you think they want you to be.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Advice To You

Allow change in your life.
Be the you that you want to be.
Challenge yourself.
Don't let anyone tell you whether you can or cannot do something.
Enjoy all the little things in life.
Forgive and forget.
Give from the heart.
Honuor yourself.  
Ignore those who bring you down.
Just keep swimming.
Keep strong.
Love and be loved.
Make the most out of your days.
Never give up.
Open your mind to new ideas.
Positive thinking, its amazing what power it holds.
Question the answers.
Release your imagination.
Stop and smell the zinnias.
Take the time to appreciate every part of every day.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.
Volunteer yourself to help others.
Woo, weather it is for yourself or to others.
Xen·o·pho·bi·a; get over it and explore the world.
Yearn for excitement.
Zinnias, grow them.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Post Card

Just imagine, soaring thousands of feet up in the air. In one swift leap, you lift off and joining the birds as well as the clouds in the sky. If you didn't already guess it I want to fly. Which I find completely priceless considering the fact that I am scared stiff of going into a plane or a helicopter, but I think it would make all the difference if I were the one in control of how far I escalate into the soothing storm-less upper atmosphere. Fantasizing of all the unbelievable possibilities to ascend anywhere that my heart desires, being able to embrace my freedom and glide into any town or country, or even in my own town. Being able to take flight and be somewhere in just a matter of seconds. Now I'm sure that not every day is going to be bright and beautiful, so I will have to invest in maybe a rain jacket or some heavy duty wind-proof suit of some sort. Then again, I really don’t think I would be flying into a thunderstorm either; being up beyond the height that anyone should be and getting struck by lightening doesn’t tickle my fancy. Oh the endless possibilities to where I could end up. When I get there I’ll send you a post card.